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Corpus Legal Practitioners > Community Support & Engagement

The services we provide directly or indirectly touch on all members of the community, with the potential to impact positively on the quality of life.


Our relationships with the local communities we serve are therefore very important to us and are an essential part in the growth of our business.


Through our community strategy, we, therefore, engage with the community at various levels with our clients, neighbors, potential employees, businesses, and residents. Through our community strategy, we seek to play our part in promoting socially inclusive policies, encouraging the young and disadvantaged, and helping older members of the community and the disabled.


In line with our core values, our community relations will hinge on the following elements:


  • engagement with the local communities in which we operate on the quality of our services and any changes to those services.
  • working with local authorities, businesses and other interested parties to promote and improve quality of life.
  • offering employment opportunities to all sectors of the community through non-discriminatory policies and promoting opportunities for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups;
  • promoting engagement between our staff and the community.
  • supporting local community groups and charities;
  • improving the environment in and around our operations;
  • promoting broader opportunities for workplace learning;
  • supporting local initiatives for the development and education of young people in the areas we serve; and
  • working closely with local law enforcement agencies to address anti-social behaviour, crime and vandalism, as well as promoting road safety.